
Common Security Threats and Risks

Security Concerns

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Concerns

The CIA Triad

Common Security Threats and Risks

Regulatory Standards

Common Security Threats and Risks

Importance of Security and Information Privacy

Data and information assets

An information asset is information or data that is of value.

Common Security Threats and Risks

Information assets can exist physically (paper, disks, other media) or they can exist electronically, in databases and files.

Intellectual property (IP)

IP refers to creations of the mind and generally are not tangible. It’s protected by copyright, trademark, and patent law.

  • Industrial designs
  • Trade secrets
  • Research discoveries

    Even some employee knowledge is considered intellectual property.

    Companies use a legally binding document called an NDA to prevent the sharing of sensitive information.

Digital products

Digital products are non-tangible assets a company owns.

It includes:

  • Software
  • Online music
  • E-book or audiobooks
  • Web elements like WordPress or Shopify themes

    A company must protect digital products from piracy and reserse-engineering.

  • DRM is code added directly to files that helps prevent digital assets from being copied or pirated.
  • The DMCA makes it illegal to bypass copy protections or to develop technology that helps bypass copy protections.

Confidential Information

Common Security Threats and Risks

Properly handling confidentiality means:

  • Restricting access
  • Not allowing unauthorized views or copies
  • Storing information securely
  • Destroying unneeded files
  • Getting consent
  • Ensuring employees use strong passwords and change them regularly

Security Threats and Ways of Breaches

  • Hardware/physical threats due to weak security or poor practices.
  • Data leaks
  • Data Breach
  • Data Dump
  • Dumpster Diving
  • Software Threats
    • Software or license theft
    • Exploits
    • Malware
      • Viruses
        • Program viruses
        • Macro Viruses
        • Stealth viruses
        • Polymorphic Viruses
      • Worms
      • Trojans
      • Exploits
      • Spyware
      • Adware
      • Ransomware

Different Types of Security Threats

  • Impersonation
    • Public Wi-Fi
    • Websites
    • Social Engineering
  • Snooping
    • Eavesdropping
    • Man in the middle
      • Physical
      • Logical
      • Spoofing
      • Hijacking
      • Theft of browser cookies
    • Replay
  • Password cracking
    • Brute force attacks
    • Dictionary attacks
    • Rainbow attacks
  • Unauthorized information alteration
    • Threats for
      • Financial records
      • Vote totals
      • Health records
      • News stories
    • Tools to avoid this:
      • File integrity monitoring (FIM)
      • Relational database management system (RDBMS)
      • Denial of service
        • Buffer overflow
        • ICMP flood
        • SYN flood
        • DDoS attack
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