
Daily Execution

Executing the Plan

Workflow for Daily Plan Execution

Steps in the Scrum Process:

Daily Execution

The Sprint:

  • A sprint is one iteration through the design, code, test, deploy cycle
  • It is usually 2 weeks in duration
  • Every sprint should have a goal

    Daily Execution:

  • Take the next highest priority item from the sprint backlog
  • Assign it to yourself
  • Move it in process

Daily Execution

  • No one should have more than one story assigned to them unless they are blocked
  • When you are finished, move the story to Review/QA and open a PR
  • When the PR is merged, move the story to the Done column

The Daily Stand-Up

  • Occurs every day at the same time and place
  • Sometimes called the “daily Scrum”
  • Each team member briefly reports on their work
  • Called a “stand-up” during the meeting to keep it short
  • Timeboxed to 15 mins
  • Not a project status meeting – all status should be tabled for later discussion

    Daily stand-up meeting:

    Who should attend?

  • Scrum master
  • Development team
  • Product owner (optional)

    Daily stand-up question:

    Each team member answers three questions:

    1. What did I accomplish the previous day?
    2. What will I work on today?
    3. What blockers or impediments are in my way?

    Impediments and blockers:

  • Impediments identified by the team should be unblocked by the scrum master
  • Developers that are blocked should work on the next story

    Tabled topics:

  • Topics raised during the daily stand-up should be held until the meeting has ended
  • Anyone interested in those topics can stay to discuss

Completing the Sprint

Using Burndown Charts

Milestones and burndowns:

  • Milestones can be created for anything in your project
    • sprint, beta drop, demo, release

  • Burndown charts can be used to measure your progress against a milestone

    Burndown chart:

  • The measurement of story points completed vs. story points remaining for a sprint
  • Over time the story points remaining should go down, hence the name: burndown

Burndown chart examples:

Daily Execution

The Sprint Review

  • Live demonstration of implemented stories
  • Product owner determines if stories are done based on acceptance criteria
  • Done stories are closed

    Sprint Review meeting:

    Who should attend?

  • Product owner
  • Scrum master
  • Development team
  • Stakeholders
  • Customers (Optional)

    Sprint review:

  • Feedback gets converted into new product backlog stories
  • This is where iterative development allows the creation of products that couldn’t have been specified up-front in a plan-driven approach

    Rejected Stories:

  • What about stories that are not considered done?
  • Add a label to indicate this and close them
  • Write a new story with new acceptance criteria
  • This will keep the velocity more accurate

The Sprint Retrospective

  • A meeting to reflect on the sprint
  • Measures the health of the process
  • The development team must feel comfortable to speak freely

    Who attend the meeting:

  • Scrum master
  • Development team

    A time for reflection:

    Three questions are answered:

    1. What went well? (keep doing)
    2. What didn’t go well? (stop doing)
    3. What should we change for the next sprint?

    The goal is improvement:

  • This is critical for maintaining a healthy team
  • The scrum master must ensure that changes are made as a result of the feedback
  • The goal is to improve for the next sprint

Measuring Success

Using Measurements Effectively

Measurements and metrics:

  • You can’t improve what you can’t measure
  • High performing teams use metrics to continually improve
  • They take baselines and set goals and measure against them
  • Beware of vanity metrics
  • Look for the actionable metrics

    Baselines and Goals:


  • It currently requires 5 size team members, 10 hours to deploy a new release of your product
  • This costs you $X for every release


  • Reduce deployment time from 10 hours to 2 hours
  • Increase percentage of defects detected in testing from 25% to 50%

Top 4 actionable metrics:

  1. Mean Lead Time
    • How long does it take from the idea to production?
  2. Release Frequency
    • How often can you deliver changes?
  3. Change Failure Rate
    • How typically do changes fail?
  4. Meantime to Recovery (MTTR)

How quickly can you recover from failure?

Example metrics:

  • Reduce time-to-market for new features
  • Increase overall availability of the product
  • Reduce the time it takes to deploy a software release
  • Increase the percentage of defects detected in testing before production release
  • Provide performance and user feedback to the team in a more timely manner

Getting Ready for the Next Sprint

End of sprint activities:

  • Move stories from done to closed
  • Close the current milestone
  • Create a new sprint milestone
  • Adjust unfinished work

    Handling untouched stories:

  • Stories not worked on can be moved to the top of the product backlog
  • Resist the urge to move them to the next sprint
  • Remember to unassign them from the sprint milestone

    Handling unfinished stories:

  • Don’t move unfinished stories into the next sprint!
  • Give the developers credit for the work they did
  • This will keep your velocity more accurate
  • Adjust the description and story points of the unfinished story, label it unfinished, and move it to done
  • Write a new story for the remaining work
  • Assign remaining story points and move it to the next sprint

    Ready for the next sprint:

  • All stories assigned to the current sprint are closed
  • All unfinished stories are reassigned
  • The sprint milestone is closed
  • A new sprint milestone is created

Agile Anti-Patterns and Health Check

Agile Anti-Patterns:

  • No real product owner/Multiple product owners
  • Teams are too large
  • Teams are not dedicated
  • Teams are too geographically distributed
  • Teams are siloed
  • Teams are not self-managing


and you should not wonder why.

Scrum health check:

  • The accountabilities of product owner, development team(s) and Scrum master are identified and enacted
  • Work is organized in consecutive sprints of 2–4 weeks or fewer
  • There is a sprint backlog with a visualization of remaining work for the sprint
  • At sprint planning a forecast, a sprint backlog, and a sprint goal are created
  • The result of the daily Scrum is work being re-planned for the next day
  • No later than by the end of the sprint, a Done increment is created
  • Stakeholders offer feedback as a result of inspecting the increment at the sprint review
  • Product backlog is updated as a result of the sprint review
  • Product owner, development team(s) and Scrum master align on the work process for their next sprint at the sprint retrospective
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