
Database Fundamentals

Types of Data, Sources, and Uses

What is data?

A set of characters gathered and translated for some purpose, usually analysis

Database Fundamentals

Common types:

  • Single character
  • Boolean (true or false)
  • Text (string)
  • Number (integer or floating point)
  • Picture
  • Sound
  • Video

    Database Fundamentals

Forms of data

Database Fundamentals

Types of data

Categorized by level and rigidity

Structured data

  • Structured in rows and columns
  • Well-defined with rigid structure
  • Relational databases
  • Microsoft SQL server
  • IBM Db2
  • Oracle database

    Semi-structured data

  • Some organizational properties
  • Not in rows or columns
  • Organized in hierarchy using tags and metadata
  • Non-relational database

    Unstructured data

  • No identifiable structure, specific format, sequence, or rules
  • Most common include text, email
  • Also images, audio files, and log files

    Examples of Semi and Unstructured data

  • MonoDB
  • Hbase
  • Cassandra DB
  • Oracle NoSQL DB

Data Sources

Database Fundamentals

Using data

Data sources may be internal or external


  • Collects data from reports or records from organization
  • Known as internal sourcing
  • Accounting
  • Order processing
  • Payroll
  • Order shipping


  • Collects data from outside the organization
  • Known as external sourcing
  • Social media feeds
  • Weather reports
  • Government
  • Database and research

Database Fundamentals and Constructs

What is a database?

Database Fundamentals

Components of a database


  • Collection of tables of data
  • A database can have more than one schema


  • One or more columns of data
  • Two or more columns of stored data


  • A pillar of information containing one or more data or values
  • Can contain dates, numeric or integer values, alphabetic values


  • A horizontally formatted line of information like rows in Excel
  • 100s or 1000s rows of data are typically in a table

Database constructs


  • Request for data
  • Provide answers
  • Perform calculations
  • Combine data
  • Add, change, or delete data


  • Primary and foreign key enforce rules
  • Values in columns not repeated
  • Limit the type of data
  • Ensure data accuracy and reliability

Database query

Database Fundamentals

Database constraints

Database Fundamentals

Database characteristics

Database Fundamentals

Flat file vs. database

Flat FileDatabase
Stores data in single tableUses multiple table structures
Set in various application typesTables are organized in rows and columns
Sorted based on column valuesOne piece of data per column
Solution for simple tasksFaster, more efficient, more powerful

Database Fundamentals

Database Fundamentals

Database Roles and Permissions

Database permissions

Three types of permissions:


  • Right to execute a specific type of SQL statement
  • Access second person’s object
  • Controls use of computing resources
  • Does not apply to DBA


  • Right to perform any activity
  • Ability to add or delete columns and rows


  • Right to perform specific actions
  • Allows user to INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or SELECT data
  • Object’s owner has permissions for object

Permission commands

Database Fundamentals

Database roles

Database Fundamentals

Benefits of roles

Database Fundamentals

Database types

Structured data type

  • Tabular data, columns, and rows
  • These databases are called relational databases
  • Formed set of data
  • All rows have same columns

    Database Fundamentals

    Semi-structured data type

  • Some structure
  • Documents in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format
  • Include key-value stores and graph database

    Database Fundamentals

Unstructured data type

  • Not in pre-defined structure or data model
  • Text heavy files, but may contain numbers and dates
  • Videos, audio, sensor data, and other types of information

    Database Fundamentals

Relational database

Structured to recognize relations among stored items of informationStores data in a non-tabular form, and tends to be more flexible than the traditional, SQL-based, relational database structures

Database Fundamentals

Non-relational database

Database Fundamentals

Permit storing, store data in a format that closely meets the original structure.

Most common types of data stores:

  • Document data stores
    • Handles
      • Objects
      • Data values
    • Named string fields in an entity referred to as a document
    • Generally store data in the form of JSON documents

      Database Fundamentals

  • Key-value stores

    Database Fundamentals

  • Column-oriented databases

    Database Fundamentals

  • Graph databases

    Database Fundamentals

Interfacing with Databases

What is a database interface?

Enable users to input queries to a database

Database Fundamentals

Principles of a database interface

Database Fundamentals

How to access a database

Types of access:


  • Enters SQL commands
  • Selects a menu
  • Accesses tables directly
  • Works well with locally stored database or local area network


  • Accesses’ database using programming language
  • Enables data to be used in more ways
  • Safer than using direct access
  • Oracle databases support access from many languages
  • Might be necessary to perform a query with a supported language

    User interface

  • Microsoft Access permits access to user interface
  • Optional user interface may be needed
  • Oracle offers MySQL Workbench as a graphical user interface
  • Allows ability to input queries without the query language
  • Menu-base interface
  • Forms-based interface
  • GUI displays schema in diagrammatic form
  • Specific query by manipulating diagram
  • GUIs utilize both menus and forms
  • GUIs using point device to pick sections of displayed schema diagram
  • Natural language interfaces accepts user requests and tries to interpret it
  • These interfaces have own schema like database conception schemas
  • Search engine example of entering and retrieving information using natural language


  • Find specified data using SELECT statement
  • Query and reporting function included with software like Microsoft Access
  • Query Builder’s GUI is designed to enhance productivity and simplify query tasks
    • SQL or SQL displayed visually
    • Has pane displaying SQL text
    • Related tables determined by Query Builder that constructs join command
    • Query and update database using SELECT statement
    • Quickly view and edit query results
    • Examples:
      • Chartio Visual SQL
      • dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server
      • Active Query Builder
      • FlySpeed SQL
      • QueryDbVis Query Builder
  • Drag multiple tables, views, and columns to generate SQL statements

Database Management

Managing databases with SQL commands

  • Queries refer to request information from a database
  • Queries generate data of different formats according to function
  • Query commands perform the data retrieval and management in a database

    Database Fundamentals

SQL command Categories


  • SQL commands that define database schema
  • Create, modify, and delete database structures
  • Not set by general user


  • SQL commands that manipulate data


  • SQL commands for rights, permissions, and other database system controls

    Database Fundamentals

Inputting and importing data

Data is input manually into a database through queries.

Database Fundamentals

Another way is through importing data from different sources.

  • SQL Server Import Export Wizard
  • SQL Server Integrated Services (or SSIS)
  • OPENROWSET function

Extracting data from a database

Database Fundamentals

Backing Up Databases

What is a database backup?

Two backup types:

  • Logical
  • Physical

    Database Fundamentals

Physical database backups

  • Needed to perform full database restoration
  • Minimal errors and loss
  • Full or incremental copies

Logical database backups

  • Copies of database information
  • Tables, schemas, procedures

Backup pros and cons

Physical backupLogical backup
Simple and fast, despite formatOnly selected data is backed up
Mirror copy loaded to another deviceSaves time and storage
Used only to recreate systemNo file system information
Cannot do full restoreComplications restoring process

Database backup methods


  • Stores copies of all files
  • Preset schedule
  • Files are compressed but may need large storage capacity


  • Simplifies recovery
  • Requires last full backup
  • Last differential back up for full recovery


  • Saves storage
  • Back up files generated or updated since last backup


  • Uses’ database to track and maintain data
  • Helps avoid pitfalls of other backup methods

Backup Management

Database Fundamentals

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