
Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Common Web Browsers

Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Web Browser components

Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Browser installs and updates

Importance of browser updates

  • Compatibility with websites
  • Security
  • New features

Frequency of browser updates

Most web browsers update at the same frequency:

  • Major updates every four weeks
  • Minor updates as needed within the four-week period
    • Security fixes, crash fixes, policy updates
  • Some vendors offer an extended release:
    • Major updates are much less frequent
    • Better for structured environments

Malicious plug-ins and extensions

  • Malicious plug-ins and extensions typically not displayed in list of installed apps and features.
  • Use an anti-malware program to remove them.
  • Use trusted sources for plug-ins and extensions to avoid malware.

Basic Browser Security Settings

What is a proxy server?

  • Acts as go-between when browsing the web.
  • The website thinks the proxy is the site visitor.
  • Protects privacy or bypass content restrictions.
  • Allows organizations to maintain web security, web monitoring, and content filtering.
  • Controls what, when, and who.
  • Reduces bandwidth consumption and improves speed.

How does a proxy server work?

  • Proxy servers perform network address translation to request and retrieve web content on behalf of requesting computers on the network.

    Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Managing cookies

  • Cookies:
    • Small text-based data stores information about your computer when browsing
    • Save session information
    • More customized browsing experience
    • Example: Online shopping basket
  • Cookies can be useful but could be malicious too:
    • Tracking browsing activity
    • Falsifying your identity

What is cache?

  • Cache is temporary storage area
  • Stores web data, so it can be quickly retrieved and reused without going to original source
  • Cache is stored on local disk
  • Improves speed, performance, and bandwidth usage
  • Cache can be cleared when no longer needed

Browser Security Certificates and Pop-ups Settings

Security certificates

  • Good security practice to check websites’ authenticity
  • Look for HTTPS in URL and padlock icon
    • ‘Connection is secure’
  • If it says ‘not secure’ be wary
    • Certificate expired
    • Issuing CA not trusted

Script and pop-ups blockers


  • Typically are targeted online ads
  • Can be annoying and distracting
  • Can be malicious
    • Associated with ‘innocent’ actions
  • Take care when interacting with pop-ups

    Popular third-party pop-up blockers:

  • Adlock
  • AdGuard
  • AdBlock
  • Ghostery
  • Adblock Plus May provide additional features such as ad filtering.

Private Browsing and Client-side Scripting Settings

Private browsing mode that doesn’t save:

  • History
  • Passwords
  • Form data
  • Cookies
  • Cache

    Only hidden locally

  • ISPs, websites, workplace can view data

Client-side scripting

  • Web pages were static in early days of WWW
  • Dynamic web pages adapt to situation/user
  • Server-side scripting performed by server hosting dynamic pages
  • Client-side scripting performed by client’s web browser
  • Code is embedded in web page
    • JavaScript


  • Client-side scripts are visible to user
  • No reliance on web server resources


  • Client-side scripts have security implications
  • Malware developers constantly trying to find security flaws
  • You may need to disable client-side scripts

Should you disable JavaScript?

Pros of disabling

  • Security
  • Browsing speed
  • Browser support
  • Disabled cookies

    Cons of disabling

  • Lack of dynamic content
  • Less user-friendly browsing experience
  • Website navigation

Introduction to cloud computing and cloud deployment and service models

What is cloud computing?

Delivery of on-demand computing resources:

  • Networks
  • Servers
  • Storage
  • Applications
  • Services
  • Data centers Over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis.

    Applications and data users access over the Internet rather than locally:

  • Online web apps
  • Secure online business applications
  • Storing personal files
    • Google Drive
    • OneDrive
    • Dropbox

Cloud computing user benefits

  • No need to purchase applications and install them on local computer
  • Use online versions of applications and pay a monthly subscription
  • More cost-effective
  • Access most current software versions
  • Save local storage space
  • Work collaboratively in real time

Cloud computing

  • Five characteristics
  • Three deployment models
  • Three service models

Cloud computing characteristics

  • ON-demand self-service
  • Broad network access
  • Resource pooling
  • Rapid elasticity
  • Measured service

Cloud deployment models

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid cloud

Cloud service models

  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • SaaS

Application Architecture and Delivery Methods

Application Architecture models

  • How will an application be use?
  • How will it be accessed?

    Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

One-tier model

  • Single-tier model
  • Also called monolithic model
  • Applications run on a local computer

Two-tier model

  • Workspace-based client – Personal computer
  • Web server – Database server

Three-tier model

  • Workspace-based client
  • Application server or web server
  • Additional server (Database)

    Each tier can be:

  • Individually developed and updated by a separate team
  • Modified and upgraded without affecting the other tiers

N-tier model

  • A number of tiers
  • Multi-tier model
    • Workspace-based client
    • Web server or database server
    • Security
    • Additional servers
  • Preferred for the microservices pattern and Agile model


  • Changes can be made to specific tiers
  • Each tier can have its own security settings
  • Different tiers can be load balanced
  • Tiers can be individually backed up by IT administrators


  • Changes to all tiers may take longer

Application Delivery methods

  • Local installation
  • Hosted on a local network
  • Cloud hosted

Software Development Life Cycle

Introduction to the SDLC

  • Structured methodology that defines creating and developing software
  • Detailed plan to develop maintain, or enhance software
  • Methodology for consistent development that ensures quality production
  • Six major steps

    Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Requirement analysis and planning

Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing


Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Coding or implementation

Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing


Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing


Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing


Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

SDLC models


  • Linear sequential model
  • Output of one phase is input for the next phase
  • Next doesn’t start until work is completed on the previous phase


  • Iterative incremental model
  • Product features developed iteratively
  • Once complete, final product build contains all features


  • Uses waterfall and prototype models
  • Good for large projects
  • Largely reduces risk
  • Planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation
  • Follows an iterative process


  • Verification and validation model
  • Coding and testing are concurrent, implemented at development stage


  • Joint development process over several short cycles
  • Teams work in cycles, typically two to four weeks
  • Testing happens in each sprint, minimizes risk
  • Iterative approach to development
  • At the end sprint, basic product developed for user feedback
  • Process is repeated every sprint cycle

    Four core values of agile model

  • Individuals and interactions over process and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following plan


  • Application of lean principles
  • Focuses on delivery speed
  • Continuous improvement
  • Reducing waste each phase

    Seven rules of Lean Model

  • Build in quality
  • Create knowledge
  • Defer commitment
  • Deliver fast
  • Respect people
  • Optimize the whole
  • DevOps evolved from Agile and Lean principles
  • Development and Operations teams work collaboratively
  • Accelerate software deployment

    Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

Traditional SDLC vs. Agile

Fundamentals of Web Browsers, Applications, and Cloud Computing

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