
Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Introduction to Software Architecture

Software architecture and design:

  • Design and documentation take place during the design phase of the SDLC
  • Software architecture is the organization of the system
  • Serves as a blueprint for developers
  • Comprised of fundamentals structures and behaviors

    Early design decisions:

  • How components interact
  • Operating environment
  • Design principles
  • Costly to change once implemented
  • Addresses non-functional aspects

    Why software architecture is important:

  • Communication
  • Earliest design decisions
  • Flexibility
  • Increases lifespan

    Software architecture and tech stacks:

  • Guides technology stack choice
  • Tech stacks must address non-functional capabilities
  • Tech stacks include:
    • Software
    • Programming languages
    • Libs
    • Frameworks
    • Architects must weigh advantages and disadvantages of tech stack choices


  • Software design document (SDD)
  • Architectural diagrams
  • Unified modeling language (UML) diagrams
  1. Software Design Document (SDD)
    • Collection of tech specs regarding design implementation
    • Design considerations:
    • Assumptions
    • Dependencies
    • Constraints
    • Requirements
    • Objectives
    • Methodologies
  2. Architectural diagrams
    It displays:
    • Components
    • Interactions
    • Constraints
    • Confines
    • Architectural patterns
  3. UML diagrams
    • Visually communicate structures and behaviors
    • Not constrained by a programming language

Deployment considerations

  • Architecture drives production environment choices
  • Production environment is the infrastructure that runs and delivers the software
    • Servers
    • Load balancers
    • Databases

Software Design and Modeling

Software Design:

Software design is a process to document:

  • Structural components
  • Behavioral attributes

    Models express software design using:

  • Diagrams and flowcharts
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)

    Characteristics of structured design:

  • Structural elements: modules & submodules
  • Cohesive
  • Loosely coupled

    Structure diagram example:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Behavioral models:

  • Describe what a system does but doesn’t explain how it does it
  • Communicate the behavior of the system
  • Many types of behavioral UML diagrams
    • State transition
    • Interaction

Unified Modeling Language (UML):

  • Visual representations to communicate architecture, design, and implementation
  • Two types: structural and behavioral
  • Programming language agnostic

Advantages of Unified Modeling Language (UML):

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

State transition diagram example:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Interaction diagram:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Object-Oriented Languages:

  • A patient could be an object
  • An object contains data, and an object can perform actions

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Classes and objects:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Object-Oriented analysis and design:

  • Used for a system that can be modeled by interacting objects
  • OOAD allows developers to work on different aspects of the same application at the same time
  • Visual UML diagrams can be made to show both static structure and dynamic behavior of a system

Class diagram:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Software Architecture Patterns and Deployment Topologies

Approaches to Application Architecture

What is component?

  • An individual unit of encapsulated functionality
  • Serves as a part of an application in conjunction with other components

Component characteristics:

  1. Reusable: reused in different applications
  2. Replaceable: easily replaced with another component
  3. Independent: doesn’t have dependencies on other components
  4. Extensible: add behavior without changing other components
  5. Encapsulated: doesn’t expose its specific implementation
  6. Non-context specific: operates in different environments

Components examples:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Component-based architecture:

  • Decomposes design into logical components
  • Higher level abstraction than objects
  • Defines, composes, and implements loosely coupled independent components, so they work together to create an application


  • Designed to be deployed independently and reused by multiple systems
  • Solution to a business need
  • Has one unique, always running instance with whom multiple clients communicate

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Examples of Services:

  • A service is a component that can be deployed independently
  • Checking a customer’s credit
  • Calculating a monthly loan payment
  • Processing a mortgage application

Service-oriented architecture:

  • Loosely coupled services that communicate over a network
  • Supports building distributed systems that deliver services to other applications through the communication protocol

Distributed systems

  • Multiple services located on different machines
  • Services coordinate interactions via a communication protocol such as HTTP
  • Appears to the end-user as a single coherent system

Distributed system characteristics:

  • Shares resources
  • Fault-tolerant
  • Multiple activities run concurrently
  • Scalable
  • Runs on a variety of computers
  • Programmed in a variety of languages


  • Any devices on a network that can recognize, process, and transmit data to other nodes on the network
  • Distributed systems have multiple interconnected nodes running services

Distributed system architectures:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Architectural Patterns in Software

Types of architectural patterns:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns


Software Architecture Design and Patterns


Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Peer-to-peer (P2P)

Software Architecture Design and Patterns


Software Architecture Design and Patterns


Software Architecture Design and Patterns


Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Combining patterns

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Application Deployment Environments

Application environments:


  • Application code/executables
  • Software stack (libs, apps, middleware, OS)
  • Networking infrastructure
  • Hardware (compute, memory and storage)

Pre-production environments:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Production environment

  • Entire solution stack ++
  • Intended for all users
  • Take load into consideration
  • Other non-functional requirements
    • Security
    • Reliability
    • Scalability
  • More complex than pre-production environments

    On-premises deployment:

  • System and infrastructure reside in-house
  • Offers greater control of the application
  • Organization is responsible for everything
  • Usually more expensive than compared to cloud deployment

Cloud deployment types:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Production Deployment Components

Production deployment infrastructure:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Web and application servers:

Software Architecture Design and Patterns

Proxy server:

  • An intermediate server that handles requests between two tiers
  • Can be used for load balancing, system optimization, caching, as a firewall, obscuring the source of a request, encrypting messages, scanning for malware, and more
  • Can improve efficiency, privacy, and security

    Databases and database servers:

  • Databases are a collection of related data stored on a computer that can be accessed in various ways
  • DBMS (Database Management System) controls a database by connecting it to users or other programs
  • Database servers control the flow and storage of data
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