
Design: design methodology, prototyping, cybersecurity case study

Intro to Design

  • Have the insight of the users who are they.
  • To include children or not.
  • Testing your design with users.
  • Involving the users from the very start of your design.
  • What other people are doing in your niche, and you should probably design something similar for familiarity reasons of mental models
  • Define your goal, is it an innovative idea, or something already existing but adding a value over it.
  • Don’t wait until your product is finished, take input from the users from the very first stage of design.

Design Methodologies

Design Process

The Golden rule is;

  • Know Your User.
  • Where do ideas come from?
  • Many processes;
    • Iterative design

Iterative Design Process

  • System centered design
    • What can be built easily on this platform?
    • What can I create from the available tools?
    • What do I as a programmer find interesting to work on?
  • User centered design
    • Design is based upon a user’s
      • Abilities and real needs
      • Context
      • Work
      • Tasks
  • Participatory design
    • Problem
      • intuitions wrong
      • interviews etc. not precise
      • designer cannot know the user sufficiently well to answer all issues that come up during the design
    • Solution
      • designers should have access to a pool of representative users. That is, END users, not their managers or union reps!
  • Designer centered design

    “It’s not the consumers’ job to know what they want.”

    Steve Jobs

Case Study: SSL Warnings – example user

  • User knows something bad is happening, but not what.
    • User has good general strategies (worry more about sites with sensitive info)
    • Error message relies on a lot of information users don’t understand
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