
Your Audience and Building Personas

Persona Development

Creating a representation of your ideal target user

Why is it Important to SEO?

  • Buyer persona helps to identify user’s needs and how they search
  • Create content around topics they want
  • Important in keyword research

Where To Start?

  • Existing customers or users
  • Have bought your product or used your services, already
  • Use existing tools
  • Reaching out to users directly

Existing Tools: Google Analytics

  • Demographics
  • Interests based on other websites they visit
  • What search engine they use
  • What device they use
  • What pages are the most popular
  • Click maps of where users click the most within a page
  • What pages they tend to exit your site on, and more

Existing Tools: Google Search Console/Google Webmaster Console

  • Mainly gives site performance stats

Existing Tools: Survey Existing Users

  • In-app messages
  • Emailing past customers
  • Request for a newsletter

Existing Tools: Ask your Support and Sales Teams

  • As they regularly deal with customers and potential buyers
  • What questions are they asked about?


  • User profile
  • Average age
  • Income
  • Type of job
  • Photo or likeness

Marketing to Your Persona

Two Core Persona Types

  • Potential Buyers
  • Existing Customers

Potential Buyers

  • Not aware of your product or services yet
  • Searching for solutions to a problem
  • Create content to solve their issues

Existing Customers

  • Currently, shop or use your service
  • What do they like best? Improvements?
  • Create content to engage and retain them

Using Keywords to Mine Data

  • Help define your user and build out your persona
  • Discover potential search queries you can match to content topics

Getting to Know Your Audience

  • Presents geographic data which helps us target Keywords
  • Helpful for content that may generate lots of social shares
  • Gives topic ideas for site content

Demographic Data

  • Provides topic and keyword ideas
  • Provides additional insight & helps to better optimize sites
  • Demographics data is not 100% reliable
  • Websites providing such data:
    • Alexa
    • quantcast
    • Google Analytics


  • Shows top keyword traffic for a site
  • Audience insights help create user centered content


  • Shows potential topics users might be interested in
  • Shows traffic sources giving you ideas of where to promote content

Social Media Demographics

  • Followerwonk helps analyze Twitter info
  • Data is reliable as it is taken from Twitter (as reliable as Twitter :-)
  • Twitter profiles/info can be fake
  • Followerwonk cannot always identify follower gender

Creating Your Ideal Buyers Persona

Buyer Personas

  • Fictional characters representing specific users of a website
  • Personas help build user-centered sites & incorporate correct keywords naturally
  • Create multiple personas to appeal to a variety of buyers

Couple of questions about our buyers

  • Persona’s Age
    • Age could impact keyword choices due to lexicon differences
  • Persona’s Location
    • Persona’s location Important in case of regional vocabulary differences
  • Persona’s Gender
    • Buyer’s gender can influence vocabulary
    • Gender plays a larger role in than just their vocabulary
    • Sites might need a persona for both genders
  • An image of a person brings your persona to life
  • Add lots of details, since it will guide your site optimization
  • Add additional information for your reference if applicable
    • for example: Is it a B2B or B2C persona?
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